I am at 57 Beeville Road in Petrie - Northside of Brisbane


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Second Hand Cameras & Lenses for Sale
(Fully Serviced & Guaranteed
(updated 22.03.2025)

click here


Valued Customers

After 47 Years of repairing Cameras and Lenses I finally have retired (sort of :-)



I will still do some repairs, however very selective only.


  • I'm available for all Sensor cleans
  • I will do Insurance Quotes for you
  • I will do repairs to all Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 (Mk1 & Mk2) & Canon EF 24-105mm f/4.0 lenses with the communication error (aperture flex replace)
  • Trading in quality second hand Cameras and Lenses


Please call 0490 127 015 and

- leave your name
- phone number
- a short message with the exact camera/lens model and what needs repairing.

This is am answering (message) only phone.

I will call you back later on and we can discuss it and make an appointment (this can now be outside normal business hours).

As I mentioned above, I will be very selective on what I will do and what not.

Please don't be too dissaponted if I say No to a job, after all I'm now retired (sort of :-)

Thank you, Peter



 Sensor image

Sensor Cleaning



I do more then just cleaning the Sensor, our service includes cleaning the whole of the inside of the Mirror Box, the Mirror itself, the Focusing Screen (inside and outside) and the AF Sub-Mirror. N.B. Our Sensor cleaning is done by wet method, not dry swabbing.

How to check your Sensor for dust

I can only guarantee that the sensor (low pass filter) surface is free of dust, particles and smears at the time the camera is collected. I cannot guarantee that new or loose particles residing in other parts of the camera (for example between the shutter blades) will not end up on the sensor once it leaves here.

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Insurance Quotes   -  Fantastic Service for Insurance Quotes

Did you know if your camera is damaged, you may claim it on your HOUSEHOLD INSURANCE under the "accidental damage" section!

- Before you purchase a new camera, check with your Insurance Company. If you are covered, your Insurance Company will require a written appraisal from a
  Camera Repair Shop like our self.

- For the cost of $110.00 or $220.00 (depending on equipment) incl. GST I will supply you with a written appraisal for your Insurance.

- You will not have to get a 2nd Quote from another Repair Shop as I am well known in the Insurance Industry.

- In most cases you can claim this cost back from the Insurance Company (Please check with your Insurance Company)

All prices shown include GST. We may change these fees if necessary.

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about us
Company Profile

My company has been operating successfully since 1984. In 1999 we re-located from Ashgrove to Petrie, Brisbane, Australia.

I specialise in Leica Camera Repairs, including all M models and most screw mount models.

My workshop has a full range of the latest analysing computer equipment essential for successful repairs to today's modern camera equipment.



Peter working

Peter has over 47 years experience in the camera repair trade. He has extensive knowledge of a huge array of camera models including the latest technologies in today's digital cameras. He has access to the latest software, updates and techniques necessary to successfully carry out his business of delivering quality camera and lens repairs.

Peter is a fully qualified Tool Maker, he did his apprenticeship in Switzerland which was followed by training for his current trade of repairing cameras and lenses; later on he worked for Leica in Australia.

Some of his specialty repairs are: - Leica Cameras and Lenses dating right back to the screw mount Range Finder Cameras.
                                                  - He also works on multi million dollar aircraft cameras.

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Blog Posts


EF 24-70mm 2.8 flex problem solution

Canon EF 24-70mm 1:2.8 L USM      

Very important Information for
Canon EF 24-70mm 1:2.8 L USM lens Owners

posted 01.12.2014

Waisting time

Quotes by Phone or e-mail:                          

Before you contact us for a Quote Request by Phone or email, please read our Quote Policy to avoid disapointment!

Lately we're receiving lots of quote requests by phone and email. Unfortunately we are not able to accomodate these requests. Please read about our Quote Policy here.

posted 22.04.2015

Lens movie

Canon EFS 17- 85mm IS USM           

View a 24 second video of Peter replacing an aperture unit in this lens - enjoy!

posted 01.02.2015

For sale

For Sale:                                                             

Click here to see what we are currently selling

Clean sensor = better photo

A Clean Sensor = A Sharp Photo       

These before and after shots show the difference a clean Sensor can make to your photos.

posted 12.03.2015



We have changed our Quote Policy

Some of our Quote/Assessment fees have changed. Please read about our Quote Policy here.

posted 25.02.2017

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We are in Petrie - Northside of Brisbane

Contact us

       0490 127 015

Trading Hours:

By appointment only


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Street address:

Accurate Instrument Camera Repairs
57 Beeville Road
Petrie Qld 4502


Postal address:

Accurate Instrument Camera Repairs
57 Beeville Road
Petrie Qld 4502




Copyright © 2025 Accurate Instrument Camera Repairs                                                      [Disclaimer]                            [back to top ]


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